We Have A Strategic Vision for Global Aging

Taking On Longevity with Market Innovation

We develop initiatives that focus on meeting the challenges of worldwide aging with groundbreaking market solutions and progressive public policies.

Through our white papers, roundtables, webinars, presentations to third parties, and other communications materials, we are leading the global aging dialogue and providing public education designed to enable healthier and more active aging.

The Value of Prevention: Unlocking Business Benefit & Engaging the Multi-Generational Workforce

Growing evidence suggests that employers across size, sector, and industry types are now recognizing support for their employees’ health as a “must have,” or, to be more precise, “a must offer.” In these calculations, preventive care has become a key priority for the workforce, not least because of the parallel benefits to the employer.  

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The Health and Economic Costs of Ageism as a Social Determinant of Health: The Case of Heart Valve Disease

On Ageism Awareness Day 2024, GCOA launched a new report highlighting the role of ageism as a social determinant of health, illustrated through the example of heart valve disease. As outlined in the paper, The Health and Economic Costs of Ageism as a Social Determinant of Health: The Case of Heart Valve Disease, ageism results in underdiagnosis and undertreatment of conditions like heart valve disease, where timely intervention can dramatically improve outcomes and lead to significant cost savings for health systems and society.

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Silver Economy Forum 2024: Defining Leadership in an Aging World

We are thrilled to announce this year’s Silver Economy Forum will be in-person and broadcast live from Berlin, Germany on October 16. The Global Coalition on Aging is pleased to partner with the American Council on Germany for this year’s Forum.

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Bladder Health and Active Aging Report


Active Aging Week


The Many Faces of Caregivers Report


All About Retirement: An Employer Survey


IAGG 2017 Keynote Address


Aegon Retirement Readiness Survey


Dementia Innovation Readiness Index


Itch Tracker


Cities and Longevity Program


Partner Perspectives on Global Aging

The emergence of the Global Coalition on Aging is tremendously exciting, and I am particularly encouraged that it brings together diverse companies to work together on this pressing issue. It is unique in its philosophy that the best solution is to enable us all to remain engaged and productive through healthy and active aging.

Dr. John Beard
Irene Diamond Professor of Productive Aging (in Health Policy Management, Epidemiology and in the Robert N. Butler Columbia Aging Center),
Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
Former Director of Ageing and Life Course,
World Health Organization

The Digital Silver Forum


Milken Institute Asia Summit


Quality Measures for Adult Vaccines Report


EU CARE Consortium


Value of Home Care Report


Aegon Retirement Readiness Survey


Leisure in Retirement Report


BlackRock Retirement Institute


Milken Institute Global Conference


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