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  1. Longevity Fitness Report

    A November 2019 report from Bank of America and the Gerontological Society of America, Longevity Fitness: Financial and Health Dimensions Across the Life Course, identified perseverance and attention to social connections, health, and finances as critical factors to help people thrive as they age. Longevity fitness describes how people can thrive, not just survive, through social, health,…

  2. Aegon Retirement Readiness Survey

    The 2019 Aegon Retirement Readiness Survey finds that retirement readiness varies across the 15 countries in the survey, and that more needs to be done to help people of all countries be more prepared for retirement. The report explores people’s retirement preparations including the need to remain in paid employment longer, stay physically and mentally active, maintain health,…

  3. Early Adulthood Study

    In April 2019, Merrill Lynch and Age Wave released the final report in their series on life stages, Early Adulthood: The Pursuit of Financial Independence. The new report, based on a survey of 2,700 early adults, finds that those between the ages of 18 and 35 are struggling to achieve financial independence, with many already…

  4. Legacy Planning Study

    A new study of 3,000 American adults age 55 and older explores a range of topics, including what people most want to be remembered for (memories shared with loved ones, said more than two-thirds of the respondents) and the benefits of having your affairs in order. The study, conducted by Bank of America Merrill Lynch…

  5. Silver Economy Forum 2019

    In 2019, the Global Coalition on Aging teamed with the Government of Finland to present the first-ever global conference of government and business leaders focused solely on the business of aging. Featuring CEOs of global companies, government leaders, NGOs and global institutions, the inaugural Silver Economy Forum: Clarified and elevated the understanding of the opportunities of…

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