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  1. Report on Young Adults and Retirement

    A June 2023 study by the AgingWell Hub at Georgetown University and the TIAA Institute finds many young people struggling financially: many live paycheck-to-paycheck, feel finances control their lives, and doubt they will do as well economically as their parents. This report examines attitudes and perceptions of young adults regarding global issues and their own…

  2. Report on the Future of Care and the Caregiving Workforce

    GCOA and Home Instead, the world’s largest home care network for older adults, published a global report on November 2, 2022, titled Key Insights & Proposed Solutions from the Future of Care and the Caregiving Workforce: Lessons and Insights from the COVID-19 Experience.  The report, based on a workshop of more than 100 global leaders…

  3. Infographic on Vision Health and the Future of Work

    Left unaddressed, presbyopia and other preventable visual impairments will have cascading impacts across healthcare and the 21st century workplace. This infographic, created in partnership with the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, outlines many of the these impacts and associated costs. The paper calls for actions by policymakers and employers to prevent avoidable visual…

  4. Roundtable Report on Investing in Health Innovation for OECD Ageing Societies

    The roundtable identified promising pathways for OECD countries to galvanize new innovations to predict, prevent, and address age-related health challenges, mitigate the costs of these challenges, and ensure fiscal sustainability in a world of more old than young. While the roundtable participants were clear on the importance of access and reimbursement for healthy ageing in…

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