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  1. Policy Priorities for Super-Ageing Japan

    This report summarizes key takeaways from our October 2020 virtual roundtable on health innovation and economic growth in Japan. The report highlights the importance of health innovation in Japan and in ageing societies around the world. GCOA and the Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) co-organized the roundtable, which was sponsored by Pfizer Japan. The roundtable was…

  2. AMR and Super-Aging Japan

    This report summarizes the key takeaways from an October 2020 virtual roundtable on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and explores the multifaceted risks posed by AMR in aging societies globally, and Japan in particular. The roundtable was co-organized by GCOA and the Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) and sponsored by Pfizer Japan. Click here to read the full press…

  3. Silver Economy Forum Symposium 2020

    In September 2020, GCOA gathered a unique group of business, government, non-profit and academic leaders to discuss “Linking Long Lives, Workplace Benefits and the Silver Economy.” The symposium focused on three overarching and overlapping themes: financial wellness, elder caregiving, and workplace/workforce change. The goals of the symposium were to (1) highlight innovative ideas and demonstrate leadership on the topics of…

  4. Alliance to Beat COVID-19 (ABC)

    The Alliance to Beat COVID-19 (ABC) aims to encourage COVID-19 immunization for all. The goal of the initiative is to build acceptance with the hesitant, protect the most vulnerable, and facilitate uptake of the vaccine within the 60+ population. As two leaders in science and health strategy, Novim and GCOA are joining forces in our ABC…

  5. Empowering Women for Healthy Aging

    GCOA is proud to launch our new report titled, Empowering Women for Healthy Aging: Key Policy Actions to Address Health Challenges Across the Life Course, which calls on policy and health system leaders to advance gender equality and economic growth by empowering women to achieve healthy aging. Women’s access to quality healthcare and their economic…

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