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  1. Healthy Vision White Paper

     The Life Course of Healthy Vision white paper examines the health and economic impacts of visual impairment and vision loss and calls on policymakers, health systems, employers, and advocates alike to prioritize action to reduce the global burden of visual impairment and vision loss. Based on insights from GCOA’s December 2018 Life Course of Healthy…

  2. Early Adulthood Study

    In April 2019, Merrill Lynch and Age Wave released the final report in their series on life stages, Early Adulthood: The Pursuit of Financial Independence. The new report, based on a survey of 2,700 early adults, finds that those between the ages of 18 and 35 are struggling to achieve financial independence, with many already…

  3. Healthy Heart for Healthy Aging Report

    In April 2019, Bayer and the Global Coalition on Aging released a white paper calling on policy makers to address cardiovascular disease to promote healthy aging. The paper highlights the current momentum from the global health community that makes now the opportune time to advance a healthy aging agenda for cardiovascular diseases. The report calls for…

  4. China’s Demographic Outlook Report

    This January 2019 report, by GCOA Advisory Council member Nicholas Eberstadt, examines China’s demographic profile over the next 20 years. According to Eberstadt’s study, China is set to experience an extraordinarily rapid surge of population aging, with especially explosive population growth for those 65 and older, even as its working-age population, conventionally defined as 15-64, progressively…

  5. Silver Economy Forum 2019

    In 2019, the Global Coalition on Aging teamed with the Government of Finland to present the first-ever global conference of government and business leaders focused solely on the business of aging. Featuring CEOs of global companies, government leaders, NGOs and global institutions, the inaugural Silver Economy Forum: Clarified and elevated the understanding of the opportunities of…

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