GSK, in collaboration with the Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA), announced a new report from the IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science (IQVIA Institute). The report, funded by GSK, explores the role of social and structural determinants of health in adult vaccine access and uptake across five global cities with strong data about their aging populations: Bangkok, Thailand; Brussels, Belgium; Chicago, US; Manchester, United Kingdom; and New York City, US.
In Japan’s Kanagawa Prefecture, just south of Tokyo, one in four residents is older than sixty-five — and that’s the youngest the population will be for a long while to come. Policy makers around the globe would do well to take notes from their response to the aging megatrend.
Adult immunisation is key to building sustainable health systems, workforces and societies. So what will it take to make it a standard of care, similar to pediatric immunisation and cancer screenings?
GCOA gives business a seat at the table with governments, global institutions and NGOs to work collaboratively as partners to solve the most pressing challenges of our aging society.”
Jisella Dolan
UN Healthy Ageing 50 Award Recipient