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  1. GCOA Blog Published on the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Website

    GCOA’s blog post, Technology for All, was featured on the International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) blog. The ITU is a specialized UN agency for information and technology communications. Please see below for the article as it appears on the ITU blog. Technology for all means tapping into the ‘Silver Economy’ 11/08/2020 Michael Hodin, CEO, Global Coalition…

  2. Joint Statement on COVID-19 Vaccines & Older Adults

    As WHO, CEPI, and Gavi meet and consider how best to manage the planning and deployment of a COVID-19 vaccine, we feel the voice of older adults, one of the most vulnerable, important, and essential groups should feature prominently in the COVAX process.
  3. 2020 Silver Economy Forum-China Kick-Off Event

    July 29, 2020 / Virtual
    The Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA) is pleased to announce that the 2020 Silver Economy Forum will kick off on July 29, followed by a series of virtual events in September. The special preview event, Silver Economy Sustainability in China and Globally: Lessons from COVID-19, will take place on July 29, at 8:00 AM EDT / 2:00 PM CEST / 8:00 PM CST.
  4. New Report From the American Federation for Aging Research and the Global Coalition on Aging Highlights Adult Vaccination as Critical Lever for Healthy Aging

    New York, NEW YORK (July 14, 2020) – The American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) and the Global Coalition on Aging today released a report, Adult Vaccinations: Opportunities for Action, Barriers to Engagement, Paths to Healthier Aging. The new report shares insights from an expert symposium hosted by the two organizations in late 2019 on the urgency of vaccinations for adults to promote healthy aging.

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