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  1. What Old Age Might Be Like for Today’s 30-Year-Olds

    Get ready for a new old age. With the U.S. fertility rate in a decadelong slump and the life expectancy of 65-year-old Americans approaching roughly 85, our aging nation is likely to grow older by midcentury, as the ratio of young to old continues to decline. The trend is likely to upend how our society is organized, making life very different for today’s 30-year-olds when they reach their 60s compared with life for 60-year-olds now.
  2. World Population Reaches 8bn As It Grows Older

    The world’s population reached 8bn people on Tuesday and will hit 9bn in 15 years as it experiences an unprecedented surge in the number of older people, according to the latest UN data. The global fertility rate has more than halved since the 1950s to 2.3 births per woman. With mortality also falling, the number of people aged 65 and over is expected to rise from 783mn in 2022 to 1bn by 2030 and reach 1.4bn by 2043, the UN population data revealed.
  3. High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy 2022

    November 8-9, 2022 / New York City, Dublin, Geneva, United Nations & Virtual
    GCOA convened its second in-person, High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy, November 8-9, 2022, at the World Economic Forum in New York, the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland in Dublin, Deloitte Consulting in Geneva, the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York, and virtually.
  4. Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA) Launches Cross-Sector Alliance Committed to Health Innovation at High-Level Forum on The Silver Economy

    Today, the Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA), along with cross-sector stakeholders representing patient advocacy, policy, industry, and academic communities, announced the launch of the Alliance for Health Innovation at the High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy in New York. The Alliance is dedicated to establishing the importance of innovation in achieving healthy aging and health equity through investments, policy reforms, and strategic partnerships.

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