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  1. Wall Street Journal Letter to the Editor

    Yannis Palaiologos’s “Greece’s Bailout Ends, but Prospects Still Grim” (op-ed, Aug. 20) doesn’t have to be prophesy if Greece continues the more profound change of aligning 20th century public policy and social and economic institutions to 21st century age demography.
  2. High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy 2019

    July 9-10, 2019 / Helsinki, Finland
    On July 9-10, 2019, the Government of Finland and the Global Coalition on Aging convened the first-ever Silver Economy Forum for government and business leaders. Following the success of the Helsinki Silver Economy Forum, GCOA was invited to bring the issues highlighted in the Silver Economy Forum to the annual World Summit on the Information Society 2020, followed by other global SEF convenings around the world. 
  3. Global Coalition on Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease International Call on Countries to Foster Innovation in Dementia Treatment, Prevention, and Care as Global Prevalence Skyrockets

    Dementia Innovation Readiness Index Issues Call-to-Action for Argentina, Brazil, China, India, and Saudi Arabia to Prioritize National Plans, Earlier Detection and Diagnosis, Quality Care, and Awareness Campaigns (Chicago – July 27, 2018) – Today, the Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA) and Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) will present findings from the 2018 Dementia Innovation Readiness Index…

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