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  1. Women and Financial Wellness Report

    This Bank of America Merrill Lynch report, conducted in partnership with Age Wave, takes an in-depth look at women’s financial journeys over their lifetimes. Women face different and financially complex life journeys than men. These differences are due to factors that include caregiving, higher healthcare costs, and longer lifespans. The report finds that while women live…

  2. LGBT: Retirement Preparations Amid Social Progress

    Breaking the stereotype often portrayed on TV and in the media of LGBT couples leading glamorous and expensive lifestyles; recent research from the Aegon Center for Longevity and Retirement shows that LGBT households fall behind their heterosexual counterparts across the board when it comes to earning power.

  3. Human Capital Trends Report

    This Deloitte report on human capital trends points to aging workforce as an important untapped resource and potential differentiator for organizations. According to the report, companies that plan, design, and experiment with workforce strategies, workplace policies, and management approaches for longer working lives can reap a longevity dividend. Those that lag behind face potential liability…

  4. Here and Now: How Women Can Take Control of Their Retirement

    This report, based on findings from the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies “18th Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey of Workers,” highlights specific areas of opportunity for women (and offers comparisons to men). The report also outlines some of the underlying reasons why women are at greater risk than men of not achieving a secure retirement, such…

  5. Bladder Health and Active Aging Report

    This GCOA report highlights the impact bladder health can have on quality of life as one ages and stresses the need for greater awareness of and new, innovative treatment options for overactive bladder (OAB). OAB is an increasingly debilitating, yet often unrecognized and under-addressed condition of aging affecting 30 million Americans.

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