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  1. CAGG 7th Silver Economy & Health Wealth Forum

    January 25, 2022 / Hainan Province, CHINA; Virtual

    The China Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (CAGG) hosted the seventh annual Silver Economy & Health Wealth Forum in Hainan Province. Michael Hodin, delivered his speech virtually, celebrating GCOA’s longstanding partnership with CAGG and highlighting the challenges and opportunities for China of healthy aging and the silver economy. GCOA was the official international partner of…

  2. Financial Times Letter to the Editor

    The call by Messrs Mario Draghi and Emmanuel Macron for a new growth strategy under France’s EU presidency should be guided by three principles aligned with their point about “demographic evolutions changing the structure of our societies” (Opinion, December 24).
  3. AMR Threat to National Health Systems and Economies: A Call-to-Action

    November 24, 2021 / New York, USA

    During World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW), the Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA) hosted a live webinar and expert panel discussion, sponsored by Merck, titled, AMR Threat to National Health Systems and Economies: A Call-to-Action. The discussion centered around two recently published reports: the 2021 AMR Preparedness Index, a first-of-its-kind report created in partnership with the…

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