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  1. International Federation on Ageing (IFA) Launches Adult Influenza Vaccination Report

    Congratulations to the International Federation on Ageing (IFA) for publishing Changing the Conversation on Adult Influenza Vaccination, a ground-breaking study conducted by IFA on the status of influenza campaigns focused on the most vulnerable members of our population – older adults and those with underlying chronic conditions. The IFA is pleased to launch the summary…

  2. Bank of America Launches 10th Workplace Benefits Research Report

    Bank of America launches its 10th Workplace Benefits Research Report examining workplace benefits and wellness trends. Longevity training for portfolio managers, support for elder caregiving, a commitment to Alzheimer’s care, and a focus on healthy aging are all elements that support financial wellness for employees. View the report here: 

  3. Creating a Better Financial Future for Women

    New Merrill Lynch study examines how gender affects the way financial advisors and investors interact. Deepening the industry’s knowledge on this issue is another key step towards advancing the the financial and economic empowerment of women investors.  In their corresponding white paper, Seeing the Unseen: The Role Gender Plays in Wealth Management, Merrill Lynch examines…

  4. GCOA Blog Published on the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Website

    GCOA’s blog post, Technology for All, was featured on the International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) blog. The ITU is a specialized UN agency for information and technology communications. Please see below for the article as it appears on the ITU blog. Technology for all means tapping into the ‘Silver Economy’ 11/08/2020 Michael Hodin, CEO, Global Coalition…

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