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  1. WSIS Forum 2022

    For the third year in a row, GCOA partnered with ITU and the WSIS Forum to host the WSIS Forum Special Track on ICTs and Older Persons and again host the WSIS Healthy Ageing Innovation Prize in 2022. Throughout the first week of May, GCOA and WSIS organized a series of sessions examining the potential…

  2. Living Longer Around the World: Opportunities and Challenges

    In April of 2022, Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA), in partnership with the Permanent Missions of Chile and the Republic of the Philippines, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), and the World Demographic & Ageing Forum (WDA Forum) Global Longevity Council, hosted an official side event of the 55th Session of the…

  3. Healthy Aging for All Consensus Statement

    This document, Supporting Healthy Aging with a Hospitable Innovation Environment: Consensus on Policy Reforms and Actions, outlines a set of core policy principles to enable the advancement of innovation, but also to ensure broader, deeper and more equitable access to ongoing innovation advances. It is based on insights and consensus achieved at a multi-sector stakeholder roundtable organized by GCOA…

  4. Infographic on Vision Health and the Future of Work

    Left unaddressed, presbyopia and other preventable visual impairments will have cascading impacts across healthcare and the 21st century workplace. This infographic, created in partnership with the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, outlines many of the these impacts and associated costs. The paper calls for actions by policymakers and employers to prevent avoidable visual…

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