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Keep up with rapidly developing perspectives on aging via our curated news and events feed.

  1. Is an Aging Population Hurting the U.S. Economy?

    U.S. economic growth has been underwhelming for some time, averaging around 2% these days. In recent months, economic commentators have intensified their search for the underlying reason why the economy can’t kick into higher gear. They’ve landed on this highly disputable explanation: Too many old people.
  2. The Longevity Opportunity

    As the global population ages, new consumer opportunities and markets will emerge. Every company should have a strategy for tapping into the needs, wants, and buying power of older customers.
  3. New York Times Letter to the Editor

    While Glenn Kramon’s sentiments are exactly right — policies and institutions created in another era are not fit for 21st-century demographics — I’d like to make two essential points.
  4. Airbnb Rentals a Financial Boon for Senior Citizens

    GCOA CEO Mike Hodin was featured in this segment on NBC Nightly News about the growing number of Airbnb hosts who are older adults. According to the company,  senior citizens are the fastest growing and highest rated host demographic, with over 200,000 seniors actively welcoming guests using the service.  

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