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  1. Webinar Series on the Covid-19 Vaccine

    The first webinar, Science, Older New Yorkers, and Covid-19 Vaccination: A Virtual Forum Advancing Trust and Confidence for Older New Yorkers, featured a panel of cross-sector experts answering questions from New Yorkers about vaccine safety and the science behind the Covid-19 vaccines. The second webinar, NYC Community Leaders on Building Trust & Confidence for Older New Yorkers…

  2. Alliance to Beat COVID-19 (ABC)

    The Alliance to Beat COVID-19 (ABC) aims to encourage COVID-19 immunization for all. The goal of the initiative is to build acceptance with the hesitant, protect the most vulnerable, and facilitate uptake of the vaccine within the 60+ population. As two leaders in science and health strategy, Novim and GCOA are joining forces in our ABC…

  3. Dementia Innovation Readiness Index 2020: 30 Global Cities

    View the recording of the Index launch webinar here. The Index’s main findings include: Cities must take charge to execute against national dementia plans. Cities must advocate for flexible and transparent funding models enabling regions and cities to adapt national programs and frameworks to local contexts. Cities need to know where they stand with regard…

  4. COVID-19 INSIGHTS SERIES – Five Key Learnings

    In 2020, as COVID-19 spread across the globe, everything about the way we live and work changed. Workplaces quickly became virtual, cities dispersed, and a “new normal” began to take hold. For older adults, who are known to be at the greatest risk for infection, the data paints a stark reality. Adults over 80 experience…

  5. Joint Report on Adult Vaccinations

    In July 2020, GCOA released a new report on adult vaccinations, in partnership with the American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR). Adult Vaccinations: Opportunities for Action, Barriers to Engagement, Paths to Healthier Aging shares insights from an expert symposium hosted by the two organizations in late 2019 on the urgency of vaccinations for adults to promote…

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