Launched alongside the 2023 APEC Economic Leaders’ Week, hosted in 2023 by the United States, the report highlights the dual connection between immunization and increased workforce participation and economic activity on one side and decreased healthcare system utilization and spending, on the other.
This paper provides background and data – including new research from the International Longevity Centre-Singapore, a Tsao Foundation initiative – underpinning the economic value and overall importance of routine immunization for older adults and suggests priorities for action among APEC economies:
- Prioritize prevention for older adults, including through robust national immunization programs to increase vaccine uptake.
- Invest in health education and awareness-raising for older adults and those they trust.
- Integrate immunization programs into community-based programs, resources, and health systems.
- Quantify the costs of vaccine-preventable diseases and the returns on investment in prevention and immunization to support evidence-based decisionmaking.