In 2021, GCOA partnered with the NYC Department for the Aging and NYU Silver School of Social Work on the two-part interactive Moving Beyond Ageism Summit. In the two sessions – which took place in March and April, aligned to the launch of the first-ever UN/WHO Global report on ageism – experts from across industries and sectors discussed how to tackle ageism and take concrete steps towards equity for all ages, with examples from New York City and around the world.
Ageism is the last acceptable form of discrimination. It has major impacts on income, health, livelihood, economic growth and more. Aging happens to all of us starting the moment we are born, so we need to embrace it and respect it. Session panelists of all different ages working in various industries are working to end ageism in the workplace, in the community, in the healthcare setting, as well as internalized ageism. Actions that attendees can take moving forward from the Summit include calling out ageism, sharing resources, engaging with intergenerational activities and reaching out to legislators.
Click here to watch the first session on Vimeo.
Click here to watch the second session on Vimeo.