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  1. EU CARE Consortium

    The Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA) has partnered with the EU’s European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) on Health and a consortium of partners to launch the Caregiving and Ageing Reimagined Across Europe (CARE) initiative, a public-private partnership to share best practices and improve the quality of elder caregiving in Europe. CARE is focused on the…

  2. Aegon Retirement Readiness Survey

    The fifth annual Aegon Retirement Readiness Survey analyzes multi-year trends and assesses the retirement expectations of 16,000 workers and retirees in 15 countries spanning Europe, the Americas, Asia and Australia. The report finds a lack of progress in retirement readiness across the globe and highlights possible solutions of expanding access to workplace retirement benefits, implementing helpful…

  3. Leisure in Retirement Report

    This study is the latest in a series of in-depth studies by Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Age Wave. The series focuses on seven life priorities for people as they move to and through retirement and finds that as the baby boomer generation retires en masse to enjoy newfound freedom of time and activities,…

  4. BlackRock Retirement Institute

    In 2016, BlackRock launched the BlackRock Retirement Institute, a global thought-leadership platform that extends the firm’s industry-leading efforts to help clients and the broader community to make better decisions about retirement and longevity. Through BRI, BlackRock sought the views of experts—inside and outside the financial services sector— to create and amplify the best thinking on retirement…

  5. Milken Institute Global Conference

    How will the redefinition of retirement change our lives, communities and institutions? Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s Andy Sieg joins other thought leaders at the Milken Institute’s Global Conference for a discussion about the future of retirement.

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