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  1. Roundtable Report Highlights Importance of Immunizing Canada’s Caregivers Against Influenza, Identifying Challenges and Opportunities to Protect This Critical Group

    The Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA) today released a report summarizing key insights from an expert roundtable on vaccinating Canada’s caregivers against influenza. The roundtable, held virtually, brought together leading Canadian health policy experts, family caregivers, patient advocacy groups, aging experts, and other thought leaders to discuss challenges and strategies to reach this critically important yet hard-to-reach group.
  2. New Infographic Highlights Growth of Presbyopia and Other Age-Related Visual Impairments and Impact on Workplace Productivity, Economy

    Addressing age-related visual impairments, like presbyopia, is an increasingly important and achievable policy priority as the oldest Millennials reach middle age. New York, NEW YORK (March 15, 2022)—The Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA) today published an infographic, Vision Health and the Future of Work: An Underrecognized Priority for Governments and Employers in the 21stCentury, highlighting…

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