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  1. Wall Street Journal Letter to the Editor

    Your editorial “Japan’s Immigration Harbinger” (Dec. 6) correctly underscores the profound and potentially huge shift in Japan’s immigration policy to address “an aging society and [the related] labor shortage.”
  2. Why Aging is Key to Global Health Policy

    Demographic aging is transforming all societies around the world, and this 21stcentury megatrend demands a similar transformation of global health policy. Now and in the coming decades, the World Health Organization can build on efforts like its Global Strategy and Plan of Action on Ageing and Health to apply population aging as a guiding lens for global health policies, particularly those related to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  3. The Longevity Economy: Why Seniors Are a Fast-Growing Emerging Market

    It’s the mother of all untapped markets: the world’s 65-plus population. Already at a historical high of over 600 million people, it’s projected to hit a full billion by 2030, and 1.6 billion by 2050. And unlike many other fast-growing markets, this expansion will take place primarily in wealthy countries. As

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