In November 2018, GCOA partnered with the Tokyo-based Health and Global Policy Institute to convene an expert meeting on “The Impact of Innovation Across Technology, Health, Care and Urban Design for Super-Ageing Societies.” The meeting brought together 30-40 top Japanese and global experts across academia, government, NGOs, and the private sector to exchange views and gain insights that would be helpful to inform future discussions.
Key public policy areas of focus included encouraging healthier lifestyle choices, adopting smoking cessation programs, accessing innovative medicines to address unmet medical needs, utilizing preventive adult vaccines to immunize against diseases that disproportionately affect the aging, expanding models of care to enable older adults to remain at home as they age, adopting remote care technology to facilitate more coordinated and more efficient care, and promoting a more active and mobile 21st century society with age-friendly urban design.
In April 2019, the two organizations jointly released a report in English and in Japanese offering recommendations on these critical topics to policymakers and other leaders across global society.