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  1. International Vision Health Scorecard

    The Scorecard reports on, measures, and compares current country-level performance in vision monitoring, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, care, and support for innovation. It also showcases best practices and highlights areas for improvement. The 15 countries included in our first edition of the International Vision Health Scorecard are Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Nigeria,…

  2. The Role of Nutrition in COVID-19 Recovery, Aging and Health

    New report published by the Global Coalition on Aging and Nutricia examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on older people’s health and well-being. During the pandemic, the role of nutrition for health has come into sharper focus but still remains under-addressed. The report reinforces the need for integrated care pathways that incorporate nutrition and…

  3. Empowering Women for Healthy Aging

    GCOA is proud to launch our new report titled, Empowering Women for Healthy Aging: Key Policy Actions to Address Health Challenges Across the Life Course, which calls on policy and health system leaders to advance gender equality and economic growth by empowering women to achieve healthy aging. Women’s access to quality healthcare and their economic…

  4. COVID-19 INSIGHTS SERIES – Five Key Learnings

    In 2020, as COVID-19 spread across the globe, everything about the way we live and work changed. Workplaces quickly became virtual, cities dispersed, and a “new normal” began to take hold. For older adults, who are known to be at the greatest risk for infection, the data paints a stark reality. Adults over 80 experience…

  5. Joint Report on Adult Vaccinations

    In July 2020, GCOA released a new report on adult vaccinations, in partnership with the American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR). Adult Vaccinations: Opportunities for Action, Barriers to Engagement, Paths to Healthier Aging shares insights from an expert symposium hosted by the two organizations in late 2019 on the urgency of vaccinations for adults to promote…

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