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  1. Women and Financial Wellness Report

    This Bank of America Merrill Lynch report, conducted in partnership with Age Wave, takes an in-depth look at women’s financial journeys over their lifetimes. Women face different and financially complex life journeys than men. These differences are due to factors that include caregiving, higher healthcare costs, and longer lifespans. The report finds that while women live…

  2. IAGG 2017 Keynote Address

    Andy Sieg, Head of Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, and Age Wave CEO Ken Dychtwald delivered the keynote “The Longevity Revolution and Its Emerging Economy” at the 2017 IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics — the largest worldwide conference on aging. Kevin Crain, Head of Workplace Financial Solutions at Merrill Lynch, facilitated a lively discussion…

  3. Leisure in Retirement Report

    This study is the latest in a series of in-depth studies by Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Age Wave. The series focuses on seven life priorities for people as they move to and through retirement and finds that as the baby boomer generation retires en masse to enjoy newfound freedom of time and activities,…

  4. Milken Institute Global Conference

    How will the redefinition of retirement change our lives, communities and institutions? Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s Andy Sieg joins other thought leaders at the Milken Institute’s Global Conference for a discussion about the future of retirement.

  5. The Longevity Bonus

    Former Nebraska Governor and Senator Bob Kerrey joined Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s Andy Sieg at a forum held at the Museum of American Finance to discuss how population aging is transforming retirement as we know it.

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